Sep 26, 2012

Fanfic: Let's Kinect | SKE48

WMatsui | fluff | G | 2,752 words
As requested by an anon on tumblr. Enjoy.

[I'm actually really happy that this was requested, cause it turned out to be really REALLY fun to write. Oh my OTP feels...]

Sep 10, 2012

Fanfic: Nonexistence | Majisuka Gakuen 3

Annin x Nobunaga | smut | POV | 1,093 words
Set before ep6. AnninNaga smut: Annin POVQuick-n-dirty, ‘nuff said.

[as you might have noticed over on my tumblr, I've become increasingly obsessed with the Annin x Nobunaga bare with my feels.]